Friday, March 22, 2013

Excede and edits!

          So, today we finally had Excede installed. I know satellite is not supposed to be as good as DSL and cable, but when you're accustomed to dial-up it's pretty damn awesome. Now if only this area would get on the map for receiving cell phone signals. Yes, I live in an area that small! 

          I'm working on edits for Unbreakable. I hope to have them finished by Monday. I really need to catch up on college homework this weekend, too. I've gotten behind thanks to the dial-up. Maybe now my tests won't time me out, yay! 

          I'll be taking part in an LGBT event at  Scorching Book Reviews next month. My post will be up on April 13th so be sure to check it out. I'll be doing a character interview with Lynn from Broken Star.